Illinois Landscapes.
The Ultimate Erratic?
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The Ultimate Erratic?
This erratic lies at the end of a field waterway near Penfield, Illinois. It is being used for erosion control. The pink boulder is granite incorporated into the Canadian till over 2 billion years ago -- the granite is older yet! The flattened white specimen to the right of the tillite is Holocene concrete. :) Perhaps not the most beautiful of erratics, but unquestionably one with a fascinating story to tell!! Click Here: Photo of the Gowganda Tillite in outcrop. Ontario, Canada. Click Here: Information from Canada -- Gowganda Tillite Click Here: Gowganda tillites found near Fort Wayne, Indiana. Tillite pebbles -- many represent the Gowganda tillite, others from a tillite unit underlying the Gowganda? Tillite Specimens. |